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Father of Heaven, Whose love profound
A ransom for our souls hath found,
Before Thy throne we sinners bend;
To us Thy pardoning love extend.
Almighty Son, Incarnate Word,
Our Prophet, Priest, Redeemer, Lord,
Before Thy throne we sinners bend;
To us Thy saving grace extend.
Eternal Spirit, by Whose breath
The soul is raised from sin and death,
Before Thy throne we sinners bend;
To us Thy quickening power extend.
Here are some scriptures that clearly define and contrast the works of the Father vs. the fallen angel Lucifer (not God’s opposite, but a fallen angel who was created).
Of the devil (Jesus here speaking to the Pharisees who interestingly enough were trying to cause confusion)…John 8:44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him (i.e. – only lies and confusion). When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
However, we know that Jesus came to destroy ALL the works of the devil, even confusion and the obstruction of truth…
1 John 3:8 …For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.
God is a God of order. He created the universe and the very laws of science that hold everything in place. He gave us His Word, & and He gives peace.
1 Corinthians 14:33 For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. (here, the term peace can also be translated to mean a quiet and restful mind, not troubled by confusion or doubt).
We must not allow ourselves to concentrate on the confusion or the lies, but look instead to the author and finisher of our faith. Jesus spent little time being distracted by the works of the devil…in fact He would not allow the demonic to even speak but commanded the to “hold their peace” or to not speak forth things that would add confusion.
Luke 4:35 And Jesus rebuked him, saying, Hold thy peace, and come out of him. And when the devil had thrown him in the midst, he came out of him, and hurt him not.
Therefore, when confusion comes in, we must take authority over the confusion by pleading the Blood of Jesus Christ and by standing on what God PROMISES us as believers and children. We must be proactive in our warfare against confusion as Paul states…
2 Corinthians 10:3-5 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations (literally - confused thoughts), and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
We should not fear this warfare but have knowledge that through Christ there is love, power and clarity of thought.
2 Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
Praying in the Spirit helps to bring us out of these times of confusion because when we know not what to pray the Spirit will intercede…
Romans 8:26 Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.
Pray without ceasing in the Spirit especially during those times when confusion abounds because we are promised…
Isaiah 59:19 … When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him.
Finally…be proactive in giving your mind a preventative remedy against the confusion returning…
Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
Christ, rising again from the dead
dieth now no more:
death shall no more have dominion over him;
for in that he died, he died once:
but in that he liveth, he liveth unto God,
alleluia, alleluia.
Let the Jews now tell us,
how the soldiers,
who guarded the sepulchre,
lost the King,
though they had placed a rock over him.
Why kept they not the Rock of Justice?
Either let them restore the buried One,
or adore with us the risen One, saying:
But in that he liveth,
he liveth unto God,
alleluia, alleluia.
The Liturgical Year: Book 7
1/2 lb unsalted butter
zest of 2 large lemons
1/2 lb caster sugar
4 large eggs
6 oz chopped mixed peel
6 oz sultanas
1 1/4 lb currants
14 oz plain flour
baking powder
1 level teaspoon mixed spice
for decoration
4 oz ground almonds
4 oz icing sugar
4 oz caster sugar
1 large egg
lemon essence
3 teaspoons strained lemon juice
chocolate eggs
Grease a 9 inch round deep cake tin and line it with greased greaseproof paper. Pre-heat the oven to 160C. Cream together the butter, lemon zest and sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in the eggs one at a time and stir in the peel and fruit.
Sift the flour with a little salt, a good pinch of baking powder and the spice. Fold this into the creamed mixture. If necessary add 1-2 tablespoons of milk to relax the mixture if it is too thick. Spoon the mixture into the prepared tin and level the top. Bake in the oven for 2 1/2 to 3 hours. Once the cake is cooked, cool it on a wire rack.
Meanwhile mix together the ground almonds and all the sugar. Add half of the lightly beaten egg with a few drops of lemon essence and the strained lemon juice. Knead thoroughly until the almond paste is smooth. Roll out 2/3 of the almond paste and cover the cooled cake with it. Make sure that the cake is completely cool before you start decorating it.
Shape the remaining almond paste into 11 balls - to represent the Apostles, excluding Judas - and set them around the edge of the cake. Tie a ribbon around the side of the cake and decorate the centre of the cake with chocolate eggs. 1 lb plain flour
1 level teaspoon caster sugar
1 oz fresh yeast (or 1 level tablespoon dried yeast)
1/4 pint lukewarm milk
2 fluid oz warm water
1 level teaspoon each of salt and mixed spice
2 oz caster sugar
2 oz melted butter
1 beaten egg
1 oz currants
1-2 oz chopped mixed peel
Grease and flour two baking trays and preheat oven to 190C. Sift 4 oz of the flour with the sugar. Crumble in the yeast and stir in the milk & water. Leave the mixture in a warm place for 20-30 mins until frothy.
Meanwhile sift the remaining flour with the salt & spice. Add the sugar. Stir the melted butter together with the egg into the risen yeast mixture. Gradually fold in the flour, currants and peel. Knead the dough on a floured surface until perfectly smooth. Divide into 12 pieces and shape into buns. Set the buns well apart on the prepared trays and leave them in a warm place until doubled in size. Make two cuts on the top of each bun to form a cross.
Bake just above the centre of the oven for 15-20 mins. Leave the buns to cool on a wire rack; while still warm brush them with a glaze made from 1 1/2 oz caster sugar dissolved in 2 tablespoons water.
Shredded Wheat (or similar cereal)
Cooking chocolate
Mini eggs
On a rectangular piece of cardboard draw another rectangle about 2 - 3 cm (one inch) inside and carefully score (don't cut) along the lines with the point of scissors so it can bend easily. Fold in the edges of your rectangle, snipping out the extra card at the corners, to form a basket shape with a lip all around the edge and secure firmly.
Take another long thin strip of cardboard and secure it to both sides of your basket to create a handle before padding the bottom with crumpled tissue paper and filling it with your choice of decorated or chocolate eggs.
Firstly draw a circle on the cardboard using a dinner plate as a guide then carefully cut round the line. Cut a straight line up towards the middle of your circle before folding the two sides over one another until to have a bonnet shape that is flat at the back and peaked at the front then secure.
Using lots of different coloured tissue paper cut out small pieces and scrunch or roll them up to create flowers to stick all over your bonnet or if you prefer just round the edges. Finally make a small hole on each side of your bonnet to thread through ribbon or a strip of crepe paper to create ties to hold your bonnet firmly in place.
An alternative Easter bonnet could be made using an old hat and fabric flowers to brighten it up and again adding brightly coloured ribbon to create ties.
11th April 1700 1st April 1725 29th March 1750 16th April 1775
27th March 1701 21st April 1726 11th April 1751 7th April 1776
16th April 1702 13th April 1727 2nd April 1752 30th March 1777
8th April 1703 28th March 1728 22nd April 1753 19th April 1778
23rd March 1704 17th April 1729 14th April 1754 4th April 1779
12th April 1705 9th April 1730 30th March 1755 26th March 1780
4th April 1706 25th March 1731 18th April 1756 15th April 1781
24th April 1707 13th April 1732 10th April 1757 31st March 1782
8th April 1708 5th April 1733 26th March 1758 20th April 1783
31st March 1709 25th April 1734 15th April 1759 11th April 1784
20th April 1710 10th April 1735 6th April 1760 27th March 1785
5th April 1711 1st April 1736 22nd March 1761 16th April 1786
27th March 1712 21st April 1737 11th April 1762 8th April 1787
16th April 1713 6th April 1738 3rd April 1763 23rd March 1788
1st April 1714 29th March 1739 22nd April 1764 12th April 1789
21st April 1715 17th April 1740 7th April 1765 4th April 1790
12th April 1716 2nd April 1741 30th March 1766 24th April 1791
28th March 1717 25th March 1742 19th April 1767 8th April 1792
17th April 1718 14th April 1743 3rd April 1768 31st March 1793
9th April 1719 5th April 1744 26th March 1769 20th April 1794
31st March 1720 18th April 1745 15th April 1770 5th April 1795
13th April 1721 10th April 1746 31st March 1771 27th March 1796
5th April 1722 2nd April 1747 19th April 1772 16th April 1797
28th March 1723 14th April 1748 11th April 1773 8th April 1798
16th April 1724 6th April 1749 3rd April 1774 24th March 1799
To make your egg tree first of all you will need to collect whole eggshells which have had their insides blown out. Make a small hole in one end of the egg and a slightly larger one in the other using a large needle then gently blow the contents into a bowl. You could collect the shells from eggs used in cooking.
Now it is time to decorate your eggs whatever way you like. Use lots of bright colours and shiny bits like glitter or foil to create colourful eggs. A good decoration tip for younger children is to coat the eggshells in glue then roll them in glitter. Then carefully glue a length of narrow ribbon lengthways around the egg ensuring it is long enough to tie a loop at the top.
To create your tree place the oasis or plasticine on a small plate then carefully arrange your twigs in it until they form a small tree like shape. Green crepe paper or moss can be wrapped around the bottom to disguise the base then hang your eggs from the branches to complete your tree.
Franky Sihombing
Key: Bm
Bm7 AM7/B Bm7 AM7/B
Dari utara ke sela-tan
Bm7 AM7/B Em7
terdengar pujian bagi Allah
Bm7 AM7/B Bm7 AM7/B
Dari barat sampai ke timur
Bm7 AM7/B Em7 Bm7
nama Yesus disanjung tinggi
Em7 Bm7 Em7 Bm7
Dari pulau-pulau, lembah-lembah
Em7 Bm7 F#sus F#
gunung-gunung yang tinggi
KemuliaanNya disaksikan
kebesaranNya dic'ritakan
Yesus Yesus nama Yesus
nama yesus disanjung tinggi
Dari pulau-pulau, lembah-lembah
gunung-gunung yang tinggi
Bm7 /F# /A Bm7 /F# /A
Al - lah-ku dahsyat berkuasa
Em7 /B /E
S'luruh bumi su - jud menyembah
A F#
tinggikan namaMu
Bm7 /F# /A Bm7 /F# /A
Al - lah-ku dahsyat berkuasa
Em7 /B /E
S'luruh bumi su - jud menyembah
A F# Bm7
tinggikan namaMu o...
Ir. Niko Njotorahardjo
Key: G
G Bm C G
Aku Mengasihi Engkau Yesus
dengan segenap hatiku
G Bm C G
Aku Mengasihi Engkau Yesus
dengan segenap jiwaku
G Bm
Ku Renungkan Firman-Mu siang dan malam
C Am D
Ku pegang p'rintah-Mu dan kulakukan
G Bm
Engkau tahu ya Tuhan, tujuan hidupku
C Am D G
Hanyalah untuk menyenangkan hati-Mu
Niko N. & Welyar K.
4/4 G=Do
A/C# D11 D
B/D# Em7 D C
G/D D11 G
A/C# D11 D
B/D# Em7 D C
G/D D11 G
G C Cm/Eb G/D A/C# A7 Dsus D
G7/F C/E Cm/Eb G/D Am7 Dsus G
Ir. Djohan E. Handojo
Key: F
F Gm7 F/A Bb C11 F
Yesus kemu-liaanMu, pulihkan hati-ku
F Gm7 F/A Bb C11 F
Yesus kemu-liaanMu, berkati hidupku
F C/E Dm7 F/C
S'gala pujian syukur bagiMu
Bb Gm7 C11
Kau hadir dalam hidupku
Bb/D C/E F Am7 Dm
Ki - ni ku datang sujud dihadapanMu
Bb C/Bb Am7 Dm7
MemujiMu menyembahMu
Gm7 C11 F
Yesus kumenyembahMu
Julita Manik
Key: D
D A/C# (/B /A)
Kasih yang sempurna telah
F#/Bb (/F#) Bm
kut'ri-ma dari-Mu
(/A) G A
Bukan kar'na kebaikanku
D A/C# (/B /A)
Hanya oleh kasih karunia-Mu
F#/Bb Bm Bm/A G
Kau pulihkan aku layakkanku
Tuk dapat memanggilMu, Bapa
D F#m
Kau b'ri yang kupinta
Bm F#m
Saat kumencari kumendapatkan
Kuketuk pintu-Mu dan Kau bukakan
E7 A
S'bab Kau Bapaku, Bapa yang kekal
D F#m
Takkan Kau biarkan
Bm F#m
Aku melangkah hanya sendirian
G D/F#
Kau selalu a-da bagiku
S'bab Kau Bapaku, Bapa yang kekal
Ir. Welyar Kauntu
Key: C
C F/C G/C C Am F Bb G
Ceritakanlah kemuliaanNya diantara segala bangsa
C F/C E Am
Dan perbuatanNya yang sungguh ajaib
F G C Bb Am7 Bb C Bb Am7 Bb
diantara suku bangsa
C F/C G/C C Am F Bb G
Ceritakanlah kemuliaanNya diantara segala bangsa
C F/C E Am
Dan perbuatanNya yang sungguh ajaib
diantara suku bangsa
S'bab Tuhan maha besar dan sangat terpuji
F G C /D /E F /E /F G
Dia lebih dahsyat dari s'gala allah
S'bab Tuhan maha besar dan sangat terpuji
F Em Dm G C Bb Am7 Bb
KuasaNya dah - syat menghancurkan musuh
C Bb Am7 Bb
Joachim Neander
Key: F
Bait 1:
F F/A C/E F A/C# Dm Am Bb
Pu-ji - lah Tu - han, Sang Ra- ja
F Bb C Gm7 C F
yang Ma-ha Mu - li-a!
F F/A C/E F A/C# Dm
Se-ge - nap ha - ti dan
Am Bb F Bb C Gm7 C F
Ji- wa-ku, pu-ji-lah Di-a!
F F/A F Bb
Da-tang berkaum,
F Bb/D C Dm7 C7/E F C
b'rilah mu-sik- Mu bergaung,
F/A Bb Gm6 F/A C7/E F Csus C F
ang - katlah pu - ji \ pu-ji - an!
Bait 2:
Pujilah Tuhan; segala kuasa padaNya!
Sayap kasihNya yang aman mendukung anakNya!
Tiada terp'ri yang kepadamu dib'ri;
tidakkah itu kaurasa?
Bait 3:
Pujilah Tuhan yang bijak menggubah tubuhmu;
dalam kasihNya seluruh hidupmu tertuntun;
hatimu tahu; berulang kali engkau
oleh sayapNya terlindung.
Bait 4:
Pujilah Tuhan yang dapat dan mau melakukan
jauh melebihi doamu dan yang kaurindukan.
Ingat teguh: Ia berkuasa penuh!
KasihNya t'rus kautemukan.
Bait 5:
Pujilah Tuhan! Hai jiwaku, mari bernyanyi!
Semua makhluk bernafas, iringilah kami!
Puji terus Nama Yang Mahakudus!
Padukan suaramu: Amin.
Robert & Lea S.
Key: Em
Em D/F# G
Di hadapan tahta kudusMu
C Am Bsus B
Ku tersungkur menyembahMu
Em D/F# G C
Persembahkan doa dan pujian
Am B Em
Bagi Anak Domba
. /D . | C . B . | Em . /D . | A . . .
E Am7 D GM7 C Am-5 B7 Em D/F# E/G#
Ku menyem -bahMu, kusem - bahMu Tu - han
Am7 D GM7 C Am-5/F# B Em
Ku menyem -bahMu, ya Allah yang kudus
D . . . | C . . . | B . . .
Ir. Welyar Kauntu
Key: G
G B7 Em7 G/D
Kau Allah yang besar, ajaib dan mulia
C Am7 D11 D
Kau Yesus yang s'lalu membuatku terpesona
G B7 Em7 G/D
S'gala pujian bagiMu ya Tuhan
Am7 D11 D G
Hanya Kau yang layak kuagungkan